Join as a cadet

The cadet recruitment process explained

We have tailored our recruitment process to make sure that the training of our new cadets is second to none.  Maintaining the highest level of standards, we take pride in our commitment to the development and training of all our new recruits.  The training you receive upon joining will set the pace for your cadet career, and we will make sure you have the knowledge and skills to get the most out of the Air Cadet Organisation.

Please note that in order to join, you must be in Year 8 at school (aged 12 and 13) or above but below 17 Years. You can express interest before this age.

Step 1 – Contact Us: First you will need to make contact with us expressing your interest in joining. Please fill out the form below.

Alternatively you can call us making sure you provide your first name, surname, date of birth and telephone number. (Leave a message on our answering machine if you are calling outside parade nights, and we will contact you as soon as possible).

Step 2 – Visit Us: When we receive your interest in joining us, your details will be passed onto our recruitment officer. You will then be contacted and invited to attend an informal meeting, where you will be able to see the squadron, find out about the organisation and what we can offer you.  More importantly you have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have. You will be asked to attend with your parent or guardian.

Step 3 – Recruitment Intake Evening: You will be sent a letter or email usually four weeks before the recruit intake evening inviting you to attend.  On this evening you will be spoken to by the Commanding Officer and the Squadron Warrant Officer/SNCO who will go into more detail about the organisation with your parents. You will then have a go at a cadet activity while your parent or guardian fills out the necessary paperwork. Do not be shy about this evening. You will be with a number of other new recruits (usually between 8 and 15) who are in the same boat as you.

Step 4 – Begin your Air Cadet Career: After the recruitment intake evening, if you have decided that the organisation is for you, then you will be expected to attend the next parade night to begin your recruit training and journey into the best uniformed youth organisation in the country.

Please fill the form below in to get started!